Updates to Swim Times

Please note, we now have new and updated swim times for Performance and Club Groups.
Start 4th September, please note changes to Club
Newquay View pool in term time and shared pool WW in holidays. Performance please note earlier start on Thursdays for the return of Ian’s longer sessions
Monday 06.30-07.30
Monday 17.30-19.00
Wednesday 06.30-07.30(half pool)
Thursday 18.30-21.00
Friday 06.30-07.30
Friday 18.30-20.30
Sunday 09.00-11.00
Monday 06.30-07.30
Friday 06.30-07.30
Term time
Monday 18.00-19.00 All Club
Thursday 18.00-19.00 All Club
Half Term/Holidays
(Monday 17.30-18.15 Club 1)
(Monday 18.15-19.00 Club 2)
(Thursday 18.30-19.30 All Club)
Term time
Friday 18.30-19.30 Club 1
Friday 19.30-20.30 Club 2
Sunday 10.00-11.00 All Club
This increased pool time and space does come at a cost to the club. We would be grateful for any help fundraising and supporting the club at Galas and with the fundraising team.
I will post all last minute changes on FB. So please keep an eye out!
Get ready to shake off those summer slumbers and enjoy the return to the pool!
Any questions please shout!